Security and Transit Transformation

Oncore Security and Transit Transformation

Transform perimeter and transit services to efficiently leverage the cloud, while preserving security and compliance postures as well as accelerating velocity and delivery of services. 


Organizations leveraging public cloud environments accelerating and expanding delivery reach have a lot of variables to consider around existing security and transit perimeters.   At Oncore, we're helping enterprises align their security, governance and regulatory controls to geographically distributed environments.   Together we help assess and posture security+network foundations, establishing a familiar, naturally extended perimeter ecosystem leveraging cloud-native and cloud adjacent principles.  

Our approach helps your organization:

  • Extend on-premise services into cloud-deployed environments / workloads;
  • Consume optimized carrier services resulting in cost and transit efficiencies;
  • Leverage best of breed security and content delivery controls (e.g. DDoS, CDNs, content optimization);
  • Fortify and modernize Internet presence and reputation supporting digital asset residency as well as compliance considerations;
  • Commissioning of elastic services enabling geographically-distributed service delivery and resiliency == Performance optimized expanded reach and availability.

Realizing sustainable and distributed security + transit perimeter strategy across proximity-optimized cloud adjacent geographies, enables your organization to scale freely leveraging cloud-first principles and efficiencies.   At Oncore we've been helping businesses maintain control over security of cloud first methods powering digital transformation, baselining existing perimeters and transforming leveraging cloud-first efficiencies.