
We’re on the cusp of a brand-new year.   As we enter the holiday season, these are times to reflect on ourselves; be grateful for all the wonderful people, things and opportunities around us that inspire, and make the world a better place each time we lap the sun.   

For us, it's been a busy and productive year.   Our website was long overdue for a refresh -- Welcome, we hope you enjoy the new layout and content.  Our new blog is going to be active, full of field perspectives and context from our leadership and delivery teams. 

Since our inception, we’ve been heads down helping organizations, accelerating digital transformation as well as working and enabling our customers and accelerating success with our partnerships.  It’s humbling when Oncore is acknowledged by industry leaders, who considered our merits, vision, execution and integrity.  We’re grateful and even further motivated by our technology partnerships where together, we continue to drive (and simplify) digital transformation.

Thank you Equinix, Google, Microsoft, HPE, Cumulus Networks.   Individually - we’re all great on our own.   #AmazingTogether

We hope everyone has a safefestive holiday season, and a 2019 for the record books!

Stay above the clouds.
